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Featured Beneficiary Partner: St. Francis Housing Crisis Center & Port in the Storm

The St. Francis House has been an incredible source of support in our community, from providing meals and shelter to the homeless, to engaging a plan for stability and self-sufficiency so the less fortunate may progress forward with dignity.

St. Francis House:

St. Francis Housing Crisis Center has been located at 70 Washington St. in St. Augustine for more than 30 years. Today, St. Francis is a housing-focused PROGRAM – a Housing Crisis Center! The residential program accommodates 16 men, 12 women and 4 families. Families receive specific, assistance to ensure that children’s education is not interrupted, and stability of the family unit is maintained.

Planning for the future starts the day an individual or family enters the housing crisis program. While part of the program, guests’ basic needs are met giving them the opportunity to engage in housing-focused case management that links them to appropriate services to ensure success. Through Individual Development Plans, case managers help guests focus on solutions, not just basic needs. At St. Francis Housing Crisis Center we always remember that the solution to homelessness is housing.

Port in the Storm:

Homelessness Robs Kids of their Hope and Their Future. Port in the Storm is a “port in the storm of life” for youth who have fallen through the cracks. They say that the opposite of love in not hate, but indifference. No one cared if they came home and what was going on at home was often scarier than the streets. Now they are on the streets and more alone than ever.

They are no longer kids. They are hurt. They are tough. They are angry. They are lost. This is the last chance to help them before they spiral down into the pit of chronic homelessness, mental illness or suicide. Port in the Storm is a safe place off the streets for homeless/unaccompanied youth in crisis. Caring adults provide stability, hope and a path to successful future through Positive Youth Development programming.

Located at 1375 Arapaho Avenue, day drop-in services are provided from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily including life skills, basic needs, job skills, housing assistance and more. Port in the Storm now provides 16 beds for those youth needing a place to stay.

MISSION: The St. Francis House Mission is to engage the homeless in achieving stability, self-sufficiency, and a viable plan for their future by providing a safe, stable environment, access to essential services, supportive connections, and to advocate for changes that address the needs of the homeless population.

HISTORY: Over the past 30 years, St. Francis House has saved lives and changed lives through the services we provide. Please join us in helping the less fortunate move forward with dignity into a renewed life of hope and a second chance at reconnecting with family and society.

VISION: Reduce the chronically homeless population to Functional Zero and have the service delivery systems and resources in place that can rapidly identify, engage and place into housing any remaining chronically homeless people.


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